World Bank Governance Index, 1996-2006

In a further round comparisons, we have looked at the World Bank’s governance index. This index uses six dimensions (voice and political participation, political stability, government effectiveness, rule of law, regulatory environment, control of corruption) to capture the quality of governance. Data run from 1996 to 2006. Armenia, generally, seems to have had the best governance. Georgia, however, is developing dynamically. In Azerbaijan, the index records little movement.

Note the intuitive presentation of the data, where red indicates a ranking in the very low percentiles.

By comparison Azerbaijan is fairly red, although there is progress with the regulatory environment.

Georgia shows a fair amount of development in all sectors.

The interactive website allows users to explore features in much more detail. Below is a map that shows regulatory quality in 2006.

But it’s also possible to compare dimensions across countries.

Charts can be downloaded — a wonderful tool for researchers looking for information. Follow this link if you want to play with the data.


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