The visa liberalisation agreement between Georgia and the EU is expected to enter in force in Summer 2016, allowing Georgian citizens holding biometric passports to enter and stay in Schengen area countries without a visa for up to 90 days…
[Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on the Washington Post’s Monkey Cage on Monday, December 21, 2015. The original post is available here. The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author alone and do not…
[This post originally appeared in]
By Nino Zubashvili
Following the June 13, 2015 flood in Tbilisi, hundreds of volunteers helped to clean the disaster-affected zones of the city, which stirred the hope that volunteerism is on the rise in…
If a referendum were held tomorrow, a majority of the Georgian population (61%) would vote for the country’s membership in the European Union, according to the fourth wave of the Knowledge and Attitudes towards the EU survey carried out by…
The June 27, 2014 initialing of the EU-Georgia Association Agreement, a wide reaching, largely economic treaty, was marked with celebration in Tbilisi as the fruit of a long running diplomatic effort to tighten ties with the European Union over the course…
Georgia’s prominent West-ward political orientation has been demonstrated numerous times, especially in the period following the 2004 Rose Revolution. The signing of the Association Agreement with the European Union in 2014 emphasized once more the country’s willingness for closer cooperation…
საზოგადოებრივი აზრის გამოკითხვები აჩვენებს, რომ ქართველთა უმრავლესობას უნდა, რომ ევროკავშირის ნაწილი გახდეს. საქართველოში „ევროკავშირის მიმართ დამოკიდებულებისა და ცოდნის შეფასების კვლევის“ შედეგების მიხედვით, რომელიც CRRC-საქართველომ ევრაზიის თანამშრომლობის ფონდის დაფინანსებით ჩაატარა, ევროპის მომხრენი განსაკუთრებით ახალგაზრდები არიან და ხშირად ამბობენ, რომ იმავე ღირებულებებს იზიარებენ, რასაც მათი თანატოლები ევროპაში.
On September 3rd 2013 Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan surprised many observers, including some in his own government, when he announced that Armenia would sign an agreement with Russia to join the Eurasian Customs Union (ECU) and spurn a long-negotiated Association Agreement (AA)…