As part of a four part series, Save the Children in cooperation with a host of other organizations have released reports from survey data they have collected from Female Sex Workers (FSWs) and Intravenous Drug Users (IDUs). All of the…
CRRC is happy to announce the Carnegie Research Fellowship Program. The program offers exceptional social science research opportunities in theUnited States for scholars from theCaucasus.
Admittedly we forgot to post this earlier, but we believe it is even more important with the upcoming elections in Georgia.
The earliest books that came out about the Caucasus after the collapse of the Soviet Union were firsthand accounts of events. Now, a second spate of books, which attempt to apply analytical frameworks to the turbulent events that occurred have…
Readers here may not be aware that actually our Armenian CRRC also runs its own blog, to announce and describe CRRC’s events. One of the most recent events was a lecture by the IMF Resident Representative in Armenia, Dr. Nienke Oomes.…
Many of our readers know of both our quibbles with indexes, but also our steadfastness when it comes to posting about them. The Bertelsmann Foundation released its trademark index, the Bertelsmann Transformation Index (BTI) (PDF), which according to its producers, is “the global ranking of the…
Books, of course, are essential to knowledge transmission, and for creating a broader conversation within a society. They may be hyped, but bestsellers such as Freakonomics or Wisdom of Crowds disseminate new ideas that enrich our understanding of the world.…
IREX has released a print media election survey a few weeks ago, and this offers an interesting glimpse into growing political engagement in Armenia. Readers of our previous surveys may remember that our data has suggested widespread cynicism in Armenia.…