The Chicago Council on Global Affairs and WorldPublicOpinion.org have released their data from several of their most recent World Public Opinion — Global Issues surveys. The surveys cover 18 countries and the Palestinian territories and includes Armenia…
So, where is the least healthy city in the world? According to Mercer Human Resource Consulting, “The lowest-ranking city for health and sanitation is Baku in Azerbaijan, which scores just 27.6. Other low-scoring cities include Dhaka in Bangladesh, Antananarivo in…
IRI has released a new poll chock full of data (to see all their polls, click here). They interviewed 1500 Georgian voters over the age of 18 in February 2007. This yields an image of political developments, but also provides…
IOM collects data on those people who use their Migration Resource Centers. While the sample is certainly not representative of the population, it provides insights into those seeking advice about leaving the country in the areas where IOM operates resource…
According to popular lore, marriages often break up after around seven years. What does the Georgian data say? How long have those who are getting divorced typically been married? Georgian data does not support the seven-year itch hypothesis. Divorces seem…
ანგარიში 1991 წლიდან საქართველოდან განხორციელებულ გარე მიგრაციას სწავლობს და დაბრუნებული მოსახლეობისა და პროგრამული ძალისხმევის კონტექსტურ ანალიზს შეიცავს.
ანგარიში საქართველოსა და სომხეთს შორის ეკონომიკურ ურთიერთობებს შეეხება, რომელიც რეგიონული ვაჭრობის ზრდაზე აქცენტირდება სამცხე-ჯავახეთში, საქართველოში.