
2011-2015 წლებში CRRC-საქართველო მონაწილეობდა ევროკომისიის მიერ დაფინანსებულ პროექტში “MYPLACE: მეხსიერება, ახალგაზრდობა, პოლიტიკური მემკვიდრეობა და სამოქალაქო ჩართულობა”. თოთხმეტი ქვეყნის (იხ. რუკა) თექვსმეტი აკადემიური პარტნიორი იკვლევდა ევროპაში ახალგაზრდების ჩართულობისა თუ ნაკლები ჩართულობის ფორმებსა და მიზეზებს.
In Monday’s blog post, we looked at a snapshot of Armenia and Azerbaijan’s representation in the global media from 1979 to present. Today, we take a look at the third South Caucasus state, Georgia. What are the events that have popped…
Since independence, Georgia has been on what has often looked like a quixotic quest towards joining the EU. Multiple wars, a resurgent Russia, breakaway territories and a consistently difficult economic situation which has gone through hyper-inflation and has had consistently…
By Ben Bronstein On March 15th 2011, the ‘Yerkir’ Union and the Caucasus Institute held an international conference on Building Awareness of Turkish Society Regarding the Armenian Genocide. Speakers included Armenian experts as well as Cengiz Aktar and Ali Bayramoğlu, two Turkish…
On October 27, CRRC attended a lecture by well-known and accomplished scholar Dr. Ronald Grigor Suny, presently director of the Eisenberg Institute for Historical Studies and the Charles Tilly Collegiate Professor of Social and Political History at the University of…
Quite some time ago, Georgia has opened up the party archive of the Soviet period to researchers. This is a pretty unique resource for researchers. Georgia deserves particular praise for making that history accessible. Few countries of the CIS have…