
Scholar Katy Pearce recently published an article on Epress News (http://www.epress.am/) revealing some interesting points about internet penetration in Armenia. Using information from CRRC’s 2010 Caucasus Barometer, Pearce writes that internet penetration tripled from 2009 to 2010 within Armenia. According to Pearce, the…
Can more available public information on Georgian governmental websites promote institutional trust and enhance faith in democracy in Georgia? This is the topic of a recent book called “Electronic Transparency in Georgia” by the Institute for Freedom of Information (IDFI).…
If you ever wondered how the Caucasus is connected via underwater Internet cables, here is your answer (via James Fallows).
As many of you may have heard, this week saw the launch of a competitor to Google. Cuil, which apparently is an old Irish word for knowledge, has been set up by several former Googlists and promises a search that’s more…
One way of tracking how organised migrants abroad are is simple — just check the web. During a less exciting conference presentation, we browsed how the people from the Caucasus represent themselves — checking Germany and Switzerland, since these are…
Many readers will already be aware of the concept of Creative Commons. The basic idea is to facilitate collaboration, interaction and people adding value to each other’s online work. Creative Commons provides licenses for sharing easily, without giving up some of…
Sometimes it’s worth clicking on those Gmail links. “Ask 500” is a website in beta, the web version of a straw poll. Polling? Surveys? Obviously I wanted to know more. To say it up front: it’s about as unrepresentative as…
According to CRRC’s 2007 Data Initiative 2007 (visit www.crrccenters.org), around 3% of the population have Internet access at home in Georgia; nevertheless, we were curious to know how fast these people’s Internet speed is across the Caucasus.…