
ორშაბათი | 22 იანვარი, 2018

What are young people’s values and how are these different from older generations’ values in Georgia?

As Georgian society is going through social and cultural changes, it is important to understand people’s beliefs and values. Comparing the values of young people to those of the older generations is also important. This blog post summarizes the findings of a study that examined the values of young people aged 18 to 25, and analysed how these values are different from the values of older people in Georgia, based on both quantitative (World Values Survey, 2014) and qualitative data (40 in-depth interviews conducted in 2016). The study looked at values, perceptions, attitudes and tolerance towards different minority groups in Georgia. It concludes that in many cases, the younger generation shares more modern views and values, while the older generations are more inclined to support traditional values and hold conservative points of view.
ორშაბათი | 08 იანვარი, 2018

Visa liberalization: Which groups in Georgia are expected to benefit most from it?

The introduction of visa free travel to the Schengen zone countries for Georgian citizens was one of the most prominent news stories in Georgia in 2017. It was also highly publicized and presented by the country’s government as a significant achievement on the way to European integration. Do people in Georgia agree with this assessment? And which groups of the population does the public think will actually benefit from the opportunity? CRRC’s 2017 Caucasus Barometer (CB) survey results shed some light on these questions. 
სამშაბათი | 02 იანვარი, 2018

ახალი წელი ორჯერ, თუნდაც თოვლის ბაბუის არ გჯეროდეს

დეკემბერი. ყინვა. საახალწლოდ მორთული ქუჩები. ახალი წელი. შამპანური. საცივი და გოზინაყი. საჩუქრები. თოვლის ბაბუა. 25 დეკემბერი. თუ 7 იანვარი? მერე კიდევ ერთი ახალი წელი, ოღონდ ძველი. მომდევნო წლისთვის დადებული პირობები და ახალი წლის ღამეს ჩაფიქრებული სურვილი, რომელიც, როგორც ამბობენ, აუცილებლად უნდა ახდეს.

2016 წლის 1-13 დეკემბერს CRRC-საქართველომ ჩაატარა საქართველოს სრულწლოვანი მოსახლეობის სატელეფონო გამოკითხვა. ალბათ, არავის გაგვიკვირდება, რომ საქართველოს მოსახლეობა ახალი წლის შეხვედრის დამკვიდრებულ ტრადიციებს მიჰყვება. დიდი უმრავლესობა (73%) ახალი წლის შეხვედრას საკუთარ სახლში აპირებს, 9% კი - მეგობრის ან ნათესავის სახლში. ახალი წლის შეხვედრა ღია ცის ქვეშ, რესტორანში ან კაფეში ჯერ კიდევ არ სარგებლობს პოპულარობით, მოსახლეობის მხოლოდ ერთი პროცენტი გეგმავს ამას. 15 პროცენტს კი დეკემბრის პირველ ნახევარში ჯერ არ ჰქონდა გადაწყვეტილი, სად შეხვდებოდა ახალ წელს.

ორშაბათი | 25 დეკემბერი, 2017

Gender (in)equality on TV

Stereotypes are an inseparable part of every society, and present in many parts of everyday life. Georgian society is no exception in this regard. For example, some professions like teaching are stereotypically thought of as “women’s professions” while others like being a soldier are considered “men’s professions”.  The media is considered one of the strongest means through which stereotypes are strengthened or broken. In Georgia, TV is the most important media, given that according to CRRC/NDI data, 73% of the population of the country name television as their primary source of the information. In order to understand the dynamics around gender-based stereotypes on TV, CRRC-Georgia monitored the main evening news releases and political talk shows broadcast during prime time (from 18:00 to 00:00) on five national and three regional channels from September 11 to November 12, 2017 (Channel One of the Public Broadcaster, Adjara, Rustavi 2, Imedi, Maestro, Trialeti, Gurjaani, Odishi) with the support of the UN Joint Program for Gender Equality with support from UNDP Georgia and the Swedish government.
ორშაბათი | 18 დეკემბერი, 2017

ისტორიისა და სამოქალაქო ჩართულობის მნიშვნელობის აღქმა: MYPLACE-ის ახალი პუბლიკაცია

2011-2015 წლებში CRRC-საქართველო მონაწილეობდა ევროკომისიის მიერ დაფინანსებულ პროექტში "MYPLACE: მეხსიერება, ახალგაზრდობა, პოლიტიკური მემკვიდრეობა და სამოქალაქო ჩართულობა". თოთხმეტი ქვეყნის (იხ. რუკა) თექვსმეტი აკადემიური პარტნიორი იკვლევდა ევროპაში ახალგაზრდების ჩართულობისა თუ ნაკლები ჩართულობის ფორმებსა და მიზეზებს.
ორშაბათი | 11 დეკემბერი, 2017

Evaluation of the Impact of the Agricultural Support Program

CRRC-Georgia carried out a quasi-experimental, post-hoc, mixed methods impact evaluation of the Agricultural Support Program (ASP) between December 2016 and April 2017 in collaboration with the Independent Office of Evaluation (IOE) of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). The Agricultural Support Program took place in Georgia between 2010 and 2015. It consisted of two components: 1) Small Scale Infrastructure Rehabilitation and 2) Support for Rural Leasing. For the infrastructure component, the project aimed “to remove infrastructure bottlenecks which inhibit increasing participation of economically active rural poor in enhanced commercialization of the rural economy” according to project documentation. Within the infrastructure component, three types of infrastructure were rehabilitated or built: 1) Rehabilitation of primary and secondary irrigation canals; 2) Rehabilitation of bridges used to bring cattle to pasture; 3) The construction of drinking water infrastructure.
სამშაბათი | 05 დეკემბერი, 2017

Are Georgians as tolerant as they claim to be?

On 15 November, the Ministry of Culture announced it would give ‘Georgian tolerance’ the status of intangible cultural heritage. Historically, Georgia may have exhibited relatively high levels of tolerance, with many pointing to the reign of King David the Builder in the 12th century. David is celebrated for presiding over the start of the country’s golden age, and many point to his encouragement of other ethnicities settling in Georgia as a good example of Georgian tolerance.
ორშაბათი | 27 ნოემბერი, 2017

Perceptions of professionalism, corruption, and nepotism in local government

Professionalism, honesty, and fair competition are important in any institution. Yet, incidents involving corruptionnepotism and/or a lack of professionalism are sometimes reported in the Georgian media when the work of local government bodies is covered. How does the public perceive local government? This blog post describes data from the June 2017 CRRC/NDI survey, which show that a majority of people in Georgia thought that there were problems with nepotism and a lack of professionalism in local government. Moreover, roughly half of the population thought that their local government also faces a problem with corruption.
ორშაბათი | 20 ნოემბერი, 2017

Was the population informed about the constitutional reform in Georgia?

After 10 months of discussions, the parliament of Georgia adopted amendments to the constitution of the country on September 29th and overrode the president’s veto on October 13th, 2017. The most widely discussed amendments are about rules for electing the president, self-governance principles, the definition of marriage, the sale of agricultural land to foreigners, the minimum age of judges and the country’s foreign policy  orientation. Because of the importance of the amendments, one would expect a high level of awareness among the population. However, despite the public meetings held and media coverage of the issue, according to the CRRC/NDI survey from June 2017, a majority of the population of Georgia was not aware of the constitutional reform process.
ორშაბათი | 13 ნოემბერი, 2017

Who should own land in Georgia? How attitudes changed between 2015 and 2017

Georgian parliament recently adopted constitutional amendments. Among the many changes were those regulating the sale of agricultural land. According to the amendments, “Agricultural land, as a resource of special importance, can only be owned by the state, a self-governing entity, a citizen of Georgia, or a union of Georgian citizens.” While the constitution allows for exceptions, which should be regulated by a law yet to be written, it is expected that foreigners will not be allowed to buy agricultural land in Georgia as freely as Georgian citizens. This blog post looks at public opinion about foreigners owning land in Georgia.