
How has Freedom Square gone so spectacularly wrong? The message of Tbilisi’s main square seems to be that citizenship does not matter. The square conveys this through a bombastic central column; with Saint George on top, who on closer inspection…
The integration of the Muslim community of Georgia into the wider Georgian society is a topic that seems to have fallen off of many people’s radar after defeat of ISIS in Iraq and Syria. Yet it remains an important one…
Although the narrative of St George rescuing a princess from a dragon is one of the most popular legends from medieval Christian hagiography, the earliest stages of its creation and diffusion remain obscure. By the end of the 12th century,…
Turkey and Georgia are two neighboring countries in a volatile region. Both enjoy long-enduring partnerships and diplomatic relationships. Both have been describing one another with different names and terms according to their foreign policy preferences. This research focuses on the…
Russian imperial expansion southwards to the Caucasus was a bloody and lengthy process that was conditioned by, on the one hand, inaccessible mountainous terrain and, on the other, the ‘savage’ nature of the local highlanders. Military campaigns were corroborated by…
Are you a research-minded university graduate who wants to gain an important skill set that is absent in Georgia?  Do you want to work hard and open the door to international opportunities? If so, then this is for you!
The Caucasus Research Resource Center (CRRC-Georgia) has presented a research report examining – Life of Russian Emigres in Georgia.
CRRC-Georgia together with Zinc Network presented public opinion survey results. According to it, Georgia’s support to the EU membership remains high. In January, 2023, over 72% supported EU candidacy, however, pro-EU demonstrations in March further boosted the support to the…