
Sergey Rumyantsev studied migration from Georgia to Azerbaijan. He interviewed 460 ethnic Azerbaijani respondents who had migrated from Georgia to Azerbaijan. The majority of respondents said that the socioeconomic situation in Georgia was the prime reason for the migration. 
Foreign students officially registered in Germany, 2004
According to a 1999 Reproductive Health Survey, Georgia has the highest abortion rates in the former Soviet Union (possibly in the world, though I haven’t checked). In Georgia there are 3.7 abortions per woman (per life).
Recently a post by Farid Gulyev, founder of the Azerbaijani_Studies List: “Economist Douglass North, Nobel Prize speech 1993 ‘Evolution requires that society develop institutions that will permit anonymous, impersonal exchange across time and space…
The Economist observes that, being caught in complex cross-tensions, it would help if the three countries of the South Caucasus cooperated on some minimally shared interests.
Nani Chkhaidze compared the 1990s election programs of parties that won the elections in the South Caucasus.