
CRRC-Georgia, ARISC and American Councils present the 4th talk of the Spring 2016 Works-in-Progress season: “Europeanization of Security Policy in Georgia”
Zurab Bezhanishvili, Independent Researcher Wednesday, February 10, 2016 at 6:30pm CRRC-Georgia
1 Ramaz Chkhikvadze Str. (Former 5 Chavchavadze Ave.)…
To view competition details, please visit the page in Georgian. 
  Position Summary:
Under the supervision of the President of CRRC-Georgia the Public Relations Manager leads external communication with the organization’s donors, partners, and media as well as with existing and potential users of the organization’s research outputs. …
CRRC, ARISC and American Councils present the 13th and final talk of the Fall 2015 Works-in-Progress season: “Ethnonational Imaginations and Representations in a post-Conflict Setting: the Case of Georgia” Babak Rezvani, University of Amsterdam
On Monday, December 21, NDI and CRRC-Georgia presented findings of a new poll to the media. The new survey covered a number of issues including foreign affairs, party affiliation and attitude towards current events. Overall, 1881 respondents were surveyed in…
CRRC, ARISC and American Councils present the 12th talk of the Fall 2015 Works-in-Progress season: “The Rise and Fall of Decentralized School Governance: Decision-Making Practices in Georgia” Sophia Gorgodze, Ilia State University
CRRC, ARISC and American Councils present the 11th talk of the Fall 2015 Works-in-Progress season: “Perceived Social Support and Adjustment among Domestic Violence Victims” Prof. Nino Javakhishvili, Director of the D. Uznadze Institute of Psychology and Deputy Dean of the College of…
On November 25, 2015, Eurasia Partnership Foundation (EPF) presented recent survey findings on Knowledge and Attitudes towards the EU in Georgia and talked about the trends and variations of 2009 – 2015.