On Wednesday, December 13, 18:30 at the CRRC-Georgia Office, Dr. Stephan Rindlisbacher from the University of Bern will give a talk about his work in progress “The Transcaucasian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic as an Object of Neglect”. Stephan Rindlisbacher is currently…
The article analyzes the different factors contributing to the generational gap between younger and older voters in Georgia.
CRRC-Georgia carried out a quasi-experimental, post-hoc, mixed methods impact evaluation of the Agricultural Support Program (ASP) between December 2016 and April 2017 in collaboration with the Independent Office of Evaluation (IOE) of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). The…
On 15 November, the Ministry of Culture announced it would give ‘Georgian tolerance’ the status of intangible cultural heritage. Historically, Georgia may have exhibited relatively high levels of tolerance, with many pointing to the reign of King David the Builder…
Professionalism, honesty, and fair competition are important in any institution. Yet, incidents involving corruption, nepotism and/or a lack of professionalism are sometimes reported in the Georgian media when the work of local government bodies is covered. How does the public perceive local government? This blog…
On Wednesday, November 22, 18:30 at CRRC-Georgia office Dr. Vincenc Kopeček from the University of Ostrava (Czechia) will present his work “De Facto States and Their Patrons: Towards Theory-Building”. Terms such as occupation, puppet state, protectorate etc. are quite often…
After 10 months of discussions, the parliament of Georgia adopted amendments to the constitution of the country on September 29th and overrode the president’s veto on October 13th, 2017. The most widely discussed amendments are about rules for electing the president, self-governance principles, the definition…
Georgian parliament recently adopted constitutional amendments. Among the many changes were those regulating the sale of agricultural land. According to the amendments, “Agricultural land, as a resource of special importance, can only be owned by the state, a self-governing entity,…