The study explores views of legal professionals regarding basic aspects of the judicial system in Georgia.
December. Cold. Christmas decorations in the streets. New Year. Champagne. Satsivi and Gozinaki. Presents. Santa Claus. December 25. Or January 6? Then New Year’s once again, but the old one. 2017 resolutions and the wish on New Year’s Eve that…
In order to help monitor the fidelity of the October 2016 parliamentary election results, CRRC-Georgia has carried out quantitative analysis of election-related statistics within the auspices of the Detecting Election Fraud through Data Analysis (DEFDA) project.
Following the 2016 parliamentary elections, a number of politicians questioned the results based on logical inconsistencies on election protocols. Some of the election protocols, which summarize election results for individual voting stations, reported that more voters had come to the…
On December 14, 2016 on CRRC, ARISC and American Councils announce the 10th talk of the Fall 2016 WiP series! “Pedagogy, Modernity and Nationalism in the Age of Reaction, 1880-1905” by Timothy Blauvelt and Anton Vacharadze. 
As the first blog post in this series highlighted, approval by Georgians for doing business with members of other ethnic groups is, overall, declining. When it comes to Georgian women marrying men of other ethnicities, Georgians are even less approving.…
On December 7, 2016, CRRC, ARISC and American Councils are pleased to announce the 9th talk of the Fall 2016 WiP series on “Modern Russian Politics – Myths and Realities” by Archil Sikharulidze, Tbilisi State University.
In the previous blog post, we saw that Georgians report approval of doing business with representatives of other ethnic groups less than in the past. Based on CRRC’s 2015 Caucasus Barometer data, this blog post looks at how (dis)approval differs…