Strengthening Domestic Resource Mobilization – Focus groups on Attitudes towards Old-Age Income Planning

Asian Development Bank (ADB)

This study will contribute to the implementation of the pension reform by investigating employee and employer views towards pension provision and proposed changes to pension financing. The findings from these discussions will inform strategies for future awareness campaigns to be conducted when implementing the pension reforms. It will also serve as a baseline study for future research on the impact of pension reform. Specific objectives include: 1.Assessing the current status of pension provision by exploring employees’ and employers’ use and knowledge of, and attitudes towards, pension systems; 2.Identifying challenges to pension reform by analyzing attitudes towards responsibility for old-age income provisioning and saving options for old age; 3.Identifying employee and employer understanding of and preferences towards potential pension reform options; 4.Assessing levels of trust and perceptions of risk related to potential saving institutions and investment options; 5.Informing potential communication strategies for awareness campaigns.

10 Focus groups with employees and employers in Tbilisi, Kutaisi and Batumi.

