
On January 30th, 2020, CRRC Georgia released the 2019 wave of Caucasus Barometer (CB) data for Georgia. CB is the longest running, publicly available household survey which enables longitudinal and comparative analysis of Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia between 2008 and…
Call for proposals: The 6th Annual CRRC Conference “Coming together and growing apart: A decade of transformation in the South Caucasus” Place and date: June 26-27, Tbilisi, Georgia The Caucasus Research Resource Centers (CRRC) seek proposals for the 6th…
CRRC Georgia is carrying out an omnibus survey in December 2019. In past rounds of the survey, researchers from the IOM and Harvard among others provided questions for the survey. Individuals and organizations interested in adding questions to the survey…
Roy Southworth, our dear friend and colleague, died on July 23rd in California from cancer. About a dozen years ago Roy volunteered to be the founding chair of the Eurasia Partnership Foundation. The organization emerged from Eurasia Foundation’s work in…
CRRC-Georgia is looking for a Policy Analyst, who is expected to participate in designing, implementing, and analyzing CRRC’s research outputs in Georgia. This is a full-time position of 40 hours per week with a minimum time commitment of two years. Requirements:…
“If you had a chance, would you leave Georgia for a certain period of time to live somewhere else?” According to Caucasus Barometer 2017, over half of the adult population of Georgia (55%) responded positively to this question.
The September issue of CRRC’s Data Bites newsletter is out.
Read about most popular blog posts of CRRC, media coverage and launch of new surveys in the September 2018 issue of CRRC’s monthly newsletter.
On Wednesday, March 21, at 18:30 Dustin Gilbreath will give a talk impact evaluation in agriculture: “Post-Hoc Blocking for Quasi-Experimental Impact Evaluation: An example from the Impact Evaluation of the Agricultural Support Program in Georgia”. This is the fourth talk…