
American Councils and CRRC are proud to present the 3rd talk in the Fall 2013 Works-in-Progress Series: Dr. Alexander Morrison, University of Liverpool
“Re-writing the Russian Conquest of Central Asia” Wednesday, September 18, 2013 at 6:15pm
ISET/CRRC Georgia, Zandukeli St.…
American Councils and CRRC are proud to present the 2nd talk in the Fall 2013 Works-in-Progress Series: Dr. Florian Mühlfried, University of Jena
American Councils and CRRC are proud to present the 1st talk in the Fall 2013 Works-in-Progress Series: “Making sense of the empire? Russian imperial representation in the South Caucasus in the 19th century.”
17 ივლისიდან 17 აგვისტოს ჩათვლით პერიოდის შედეგებით შეიძლება, ითქვას, რომ ტელევიზიები ჯერ აქტიურ საარჩევნო რეჟიმზე არ გადასულან, თუმცა დაიწყეს საპრეზიდენტო კანდიდატებისა და მათი კამპანიების გაშუქება. ყველა არხზე თითქმის ყოველ დღე შუქდებოდა საპრეზიდენტო კანდიდატებთად დაკავშირებული ახალი ამბები. ამ მხრივ, გამონაკლისი იყო აჭარის ტელევიზია, სადაც კანდიდატებს დრო ნაკლებად ეთმობოდათ და თითქმის არ შქუდებოდა მათთან დაკავშირებული ამბები.
CRRC Georgia conducted a small survey among Georgian-speaking adult residents of Tbilisi regarding the May 17th events in which two demonstrations–one for the International Day Against Homophobia and another against homosexuality—ended with violent clashes between demonstrators. The fieldwork took place…
The Institute of Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (ISEEES) at the University of California, Berkeley (UCB), in collaboration with the Caucasus Research Resource Centers (CRRC), is soliciting proposals from scholars in the social sciences and history from Armenia, Azerbaijan,…
CRRC Georgia publishes second report of pre election media monitoring which includes period from June 16 until July 16. In May 2013, CRRC Georgia launched a new UNDP/EU-funded media monitoring project examining television news related to the upcoming presidential elections…
CRRC, American Councils and ARISC are proud to present the 25th talk of the Works-in-Progress Series for the Spring 2013 Season! Rusudan Khotivari, Paris 8 Vincennes Saint-Denis University Geopolitical Implications of Baku-Tbilisi-Kars Railway