Analysis | Trust in Georgia’s education system erodes with exposure to it

CRRC-Georgia examines how the more time a person has spent in formal education in Georgia, the less they trust it.

Note: Responses of don’t know and refuse to answer were excluded from the above analysis for both questions. The upper bound line in the chart above is the highest response that can be expected due to error, while the lower bound line shows the lowest value that can be expected with 95% confidence.

People with tertiary education may just be more sceptical of institutions in general. Indeed, the data suggests this is the case. People with tertiary education report trusting six of the twelve domestic institutions asked about on the 2017 Caucasus Barometer Survey at lower rates than people without secondary education beyond the margin of error. They reported trusting no domestic institution more frequently than people with secondary education or less.

Still, there is a 16 percentage point difference in trust in the education system between those who have tertiary education and those who have secondary or lower. This is the largest difference in trust when the same calculation is done for every other local institution asked about on the survey. This fact, taken with the above analysis suggests that greater exposure to the education system is associated with weaker trust in it in Georgia.
