CRRC-Georgia is looking for a Data Collection Manager.
The relations among the former union republics of the USSR is a main discussion topic in international relations, but this cannot not be understood without its history as a domestic relationship within the USSR. In this study, Mitsuru Hobara analyzes…
The study assesses capacities of CSOs working on gender equality and women’s empowerment in Georgia, identifies their main strengths and weaknesses and develops evidence-based recommendations on designing tailored capacity development support initiatives for CSOs in order to facilitate their engagement…
The piece argues that the creeping authoritarianism manifest today in the political, civic, media-information and arts-cultural spheres under Georgian Dream is also taking place in the academic sphere, albeit ‘under the radar’. This subtle shift is part of a general…
How has Freedom Square gone so spectacularly wrong? The message of Tbilisi’s main square seems to be that citizenship does not matter. The square conveys this through a bombastic central column; with Saint George on top, who on closer inspection…
A CRRC Georgia survey found most Georgian respondents use more than one social media platform, with younger people and people living in cities using a greater variety of platforms.
The integration of the Muslim community of Georgia into the wider Georgian society is a topic that seems to have fallen off of many people’s radar after defeat of ISIS in Iraq and Syria. Yet it remains an important one…
CRRC Georgia surveyed the Georgian public on attitudes towards gender equality in politics and obstacles faced by women in politics in Georgia.