The UN estimates the number of international migrants worldwide to be on the rise. Academics and policy makers continue to pay considerable attention to drivers of international migration, i.e. the factors that cause people to move from their home country, either…
On Wednesday, March 21, at 18:30 Dustin Gilbreath will give a talk impact evaluation in agriculture: “Post-Hoc Blocking for Quasi-Experimental Impact Evaluation: An example from the Impact Evaluation of the Agricultural Support Program in Georgia”. This is the fourth talk…
Many in Georgia embrace conservative attitudes about premarital sex, as a previous CRRC blog post highlighted. Attitudes are different, however, depending whether it’s a male or a female having the premarital relationship. This blog post uses data from CRRC’s 2017 Knowledge of…
CRRC-Georgia examines how the more time a person has spent in formal education in Georgia, the less they trust it.
CRRC examines how data showed increasing levels of dissatisfaction with the government and increased support for protests in the run-up to Armenia’s ‘Velvet Revolution’.
The study investigates how regimes and voters interact in the cases of Georgia and Armenia to identify how voter preferences feed into policy-making and gauge the extent to which ruling regimes’ adjustment of policies crucially affects their stability.
The paper explores safer transit options for passengers in Georgia.
The paper explores regional and global perspectives on dimensions of the identity and culture of EU-Turkey relations over the period of 1999-2016.