International Fellowship Program

Type: Internship/Fellowship Program

Compensation: Small stipend that may contribute to housing or food; we encourage candidates to seek outside funding; help finding housing provided

Start: Rolling

Application Deadline: Rolling

Openings: 2-4

Location(s): Tbilisi, Georgia

Duration/Hours: at least 10 weeks; 4 days, 32 hours/week


Eligibility: Applicants must have a strong interest and background in the social sciences (policy-related or think tank experience is a benefit); have completed two years of college course work by the time the internship begins (graduate students are highly encouraged to apply); be familiar with Microsoft programs (knowledge of statistical programs such as SPSS or Stata is desirable); have well-developed communication, teamwork and organizational skills; take initiative and work independently with little supervision; and be able to work in a complex environment in developing countries. Knowledge of Russian or a local language (Armenian, Azerbaijani, and Georgian) and experience in the NIS region is a plus. Candidates who have their own research agenda will be given priority. Applicants must be willing to commit to the internship for a minimum of 10 weeks.


In addition to its core activities, CRRC has a burgeoning number of research projects in which interns in the past have played a pivotal role. Duties may include but are not limited to conducting research (including interviewing local officials and community members and helping manage the questionnaire design process) and helping local researchers publish their findings; organizing social science trainings; updating CRRC’s English language materials; preparing outreach materials; updating and managing databases; and organizing special events and conferences. There is also the opportunity to establish long-term cooperation with local researchers and policymakers, as well as learn Russian and/or a local language and conduct research during the course of the internship.

How to Apply

Your application should include a scanned copy of your transcript, a resume including three references, a short writing sample in English and a cover letter explaining why this position is of interest.

Contact Information

CRRC Georgia: Tamar Khoshtaria, Email: 

Jesse Tatum

Jesse Tatum holds a M.Sc. in European Studies with Translation from Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK, and a B.A. in International Studies from Portland State University. Previously, he was a translator for the Groupe de sociologie politique européenne at Robert Schuman University in Strasbourg, France, and taught English in France and in China. His current research interests include the EU’s external relations and political trends in the Caucasus and Central Asia. He is the interview editor for the Caucasian Review of International Affairs (CRIA).

Sonya Kleshik

Sonya holds a Master’s degree in Political Science from Central European University, where she wrote her thesis on language attitudes in Georgia. Previously, she worked for Human Rights Watch in New York as well as Bank Information Center in Washington, DC, on the countries of the former Soviet Union with a focus on the Caucasus and Central Asia. Sonya holds a BA from UC Berkeley in Comparative Literature as well as Russian Culture and speaks Russian and Spanish.

Robia Charles

Robia Charles is a California native who holds a B.A. from the University of California, Davis where she studied Russian and Mathematics. She has a M.A. in Eurasian an Russian Studies from the European University of St. Petersburg, Russia and a M.A. in Political Science from the University of California, Berkeley. She is currently a Ph.D. candidate in Political Science at UC Berkeley and also currently an affiliated doctoral student at the Otto Suhr Institute for Political Science at the Freie Universitaet in Berlin, Germany. Prior to joining CRRC, Robia was employed as a Graduate Student Instructor at UC Berkeley, as a community organizer in Northern California, and as a limnological researcher in both Tanzania and Siberia. Robia’s academic interests...

Melissa Scholz

Melissa Scholz is a recent graduate of Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service (M.A., German and European Studies), where she concentrated in international conflict resolution and humanitarian/refugee emergencies, particularly as applied to the Caucasus. She is a 2006 graduate of the Georgia Institute of Technology (B.S. International Affairs and Modern Languages, Highest Honors). Her most fulfilling previous jobs were with the Division of Biodefense tracking security issues in the FSU, and as a program coordinator for the Global Initiative for Inclusive ICTs. A collegiate athlete, she loves swimming and watching sports (especially Euro 2008), as well as photography, traveling, and spending time with her family.