
Here you can find blogs written by researchers at CRRC Georgia that analyse trends in the region and are mainly based on the survey data conducted by CRRC Georgia. These articles first appear on OC Media’s Caucasus Data Blog as part of the collaboration between CRRC Georgia and OC Media.

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Political campaigning takes a wide range of forms, from digital advertising to door knocking. Generally, campaigning is believed to both mobilise voters to actually go out to vote as well as win over voters, but which is most relevant in…
No matter their political stripes, TV channels in Georgia frame association with Russia as politically condemnatory and association with Western countries as praiseworthy. The preliminary statement of the OSCE/ODIHR international election observation mission, published on 31 October, assessed the…
While personality in politics matters greatly for the Georgian public, data from this year shows that for Georgian Dream and United National Movement voters, policy is still important.  A recent CRRC Georgia policy brief argued that what was really dividing Georgians…
While mobile phone ownership is widespread in Georgia, gaps still remain among rural, elderly, and ethnic minority populations. Owning a mobile (cell phone) is considered so important that more widespread ownership is considered a sustainable development goal (SDG 5.b)…
While air pollution is dominant as the most important environmental issue for Georgians, a stark rural-urban divide exists with rural Georgians being one-third more likely to believe that there are no environmental problems in their communities. Georgia faces a…
In Georgia, it would appear that informing people that others are acting responsibly in the pandemic could in fact lead to the opposite behaviour. Communications have been critical to attempts to prevent the spread of COVID-19 globally, and it…
Survey data from the last decade shows that more and more Georgians own household goods like mobile phones, TVs and washing machines, but inequalities in such material wealth still remain. The Caucasus Barometer survey shows a steady growth in…
Gendered norms prevail in Georgian society, which often translates into deprecation of women for smoking, drinking alcohol, having pre-marital sex, and even living with a boyfriend. However, attitudes appear to be shifting. CRRC’s Caucasus Barometer survey asked people what they thought…
Surveys carried out in Georgia and in Armenia in 2009 and 2019 asked respondents if they approved or disapproved of doing business with or marriages with people of 12 other ethnicities. So, are Georgians and Armenians becoming more or less…