
Here you can find blogs written by researchers at CRRC Georgia that analyse trends in the region and are mainly based on the survey data conducted by CRRC Georgia. These articles first appear on OC Media’s Caucasus Data Blog as part of the collaboration between CRRC Georgia and OC Media.

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According to a report by the World Health Organization, blood donations in Georgia fall below the estimated need for patients. Approximately 60,000 donations are necessary per year to cover Georgian patients’ needs, while the number of actual blood donation does not…
What do Georgians consider good citizenship to mean? The issue of good citizenship is important, especially because of Georgia’s expressed democratic aspirations. This blog looks at how Georgians perceive their responsibilities as citizens and how their attitudes towards good citizenship…
Recently, a nuanced article in an Indian magazine discussed “How Georgia Did It” to get rid of corruption. This has, of course, been a topic of extensive debate in India. It’s good to see that lessons are being drawn from…
Why hasn’t the economic crisis in Europe deterred Georgia’s desire to join the European Union? The majority of Georgians (and the Georgian government) want to join the EU despite crisis in the Eurozone. Yet, the continued crisis, including the Eurogroup’s recent…
For the last few months, CRRC Armenia has been doing a survey for the European Training Foundation (ETF). This is a major undertaking, with 4.000 respondents, and a specialized sampling procedure (basic details here). 
In the spirit of being data-driven, we try to track when and how people refer to our work on the Internet. The simplest tool for this is Google Alerts, from which we receive the weekly update on some of the main…
Most CRRC users know about our Online Data Analysis tool, ODA. It is easy to use, continues to be popular, and in less than a year we have had nearly 70.000 charts generated. 
We have previously worked on social capital, and this issue recently was taken up by the Caucasus Anylatical Digest. The issue discusses the concept of social capital and its relevance to the societies of the South Caucasus.
David Gale, who had served as Political Officer at the British Embassy since 2007, recently wrote down some of his thoughts upon leaving Georgia, after covering a turbulent time. It was refreshing to read a direct and evenhanded take on…