
Here you can find blogs written by researchers at CRRC Georgia that analyse trends in the region and are mainly based on the survey data conducted by CRRC Georgia. These articles first appear on OC Media’s Caucasus Data Blog as part of the collaboration between CRRC Georgia and OC Media.

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Fearing for the children – the blog  looks at how homophobic attitudes vary along gender lines taking into account whether men and women live in a household with children:
Following the first ever peaceful transition of power in Georgia’s 2012 parliamentary elections, the country improved its position in the Freedom House and Polity IV democracy rankings. Results from the latest polls, however, show that public support for democracy in Georgia has declined over…
Over time, the Georgian population thinks that citizens of the EU as well as the EU governments are less inclined towards integrating Georgia into the Union. More clarity and realism concerning Georgia’s potential for EU membership certainly could help to…
Although many people agree that being “a good citizen” is important, there is a great variety of ideas on what being “a good citizen” means. CRRC’s 2013 and 2015 Caucasus Barometer (CB) surveys asked respondents to rate the importance of the following…
While the choice of pink versus blue has come to symbolize how parents and other adults establish a gendered order throughout youngsters’ childhood, the construction of gender roles dynamically accompanies people throughout their life.
While territorial integrity was named by the majority of the population as the most important issue facing Georgia in late 2008 and 2009, in the aftermath of the 2008 war with Russia, the focus has since shifted to economic issues…
მსოფლიო ბანკის მონაცემების მიხედვით, საბჭოთა კავშირის დაშლის შემდეგ, საქართველო მეტად ურბანული გახდა. საბაზრო ეკონომიკაზე გადასვლამ რეგიონებში უთანასწორო განვითარება გამოიწვია. უკეთესი საცხოვრებელი პირობებისა და მეტი ეკონომიკური შესაძლებლობების ძიებაში სულ უფრო მეტმა ადამიანმა მიაშურა დიდ ქალაქებს. ამის შედეგად, 2014 წელს ჩატარებული აღწერის მიხედვით, ქვეყნის მოსახლეობის ნახევარზე მეტი (57.5%) ქალაქის ტიპის დასახლებაში ცხოვრობს.
The visa liberalisation agreement between Georgia and the EU is expected to enter in force in Summer 2016, allowing Georgian citizens holding biometric passports to enter and stay in Schengen area countries without a visa for up to 90 days…
Although the history and contextual background of volunteering in Europe vary from country to country, in most western societies, the development of volunteerism is associated with the emergence of civil society organizations, which appeared on the scene as a result…