Knowledge of and Attitudes toward the EU in Georgia (Wave 4)

Europe Foundation (EPF)

To measure existing knowledge and attitudes towards the EU in general, and various EU institutions, and provide comparative analysis of changes over time. Four waves of survey were conducted within the framework of Europe Foundation (formerly Eurasia Partnership Foundation) European Integration program in 2009, 2011, 2013 and 2015. These surveys aimed to study Georgian population’s knowledge of and attitudes towards the European Union. The results of the surveys provide valuable information on changes observed in the attitudes, expectations and hopes of the population of Georgia towards the EU during the last seven years.

A total of 2,360 respondents were interviewed countrywide in 2015, in four strata: the ethnic minority stratum and three strata of Georgian-speaking population, including capital, other urban settlements, and rural settlements. Primary sampling units were randomly selected in each stratum, proportional to the population size. Households were selected using random route sampling, while the respondents in each sampled household were selected using Kish Table.

The questionnaires used in each of the four survey waves (2009, 2011, 2013, 2015) were as identical as possible to allow for the comparison of results. The average margin of error in 2015 is +/-2.9%.

Datasets; Survey reportKnowledge and Attitudes towards the EU in Georgia: Trends and Variations 20092015.
