
19%-ის აზრით, უმცირესობებს კანონით არ აქვთ უფლება, საჯარო სივრცეში ისაუბრონ უცხო ენაზე - კვლევა - Liberali ხუთი ადამიანიდან მხოლოდ ერთი უჭერს მხარს ჰომოსექსუალთან საქმიან ურთიერთობას - კვლევა - Liberali გამოკითხული ქალების 28% ფიქრობს, რომ საქართველოში ქალებს პრობლემები არ აქვთ - Liberali Council of Europe reveals hate crime, discrimination findings in Georgia - Internet Freedom Score - Freedom House Report Georgia: Country Strategy and Programme Evaluation - 2017 CIVIL SOCIETY ORGANIZATION SUSTAINABILITY INDEX: FOR CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE AND EURASIA 21st EDITION - SEPTEMBER 2018 - Civil Society Organization Sustainability Index Geopolitics rule NATO enlargement: the case of Macedonia and Georgia - Academia Democratization and Europeanization in Georgia: How to lead the process? - Georgian Institute of Politics The Road to Georgia's EU Integration - Italian Institute for International Political Studies (ISPI) The rise of illiberal civil society in the former Soviet Union? - The Foreign Policy Centre Rethinking the Regional Order for Post-Soviet Europe and Eurasia - RAND Corporation FINANCIAL INCLUSION, FINANCIAL LITERACY, AND FINANCIAL EDUCATION IN GEORGIA - ADBI Working Paper Series The role of conflict in sex discrimination: The case of missing girls - Econstore: GLO Discussion Paper, No. 217 Analysis | Trust in Georgia’s education system erodes with exposure to it - OC Media Armenia in the Eurasian Economic Union: reasons for joining and its consequences - Eurasian Geography and Economics Five data points about homophobia in Georgia five years after a homophobic riot - OC Media Analysis | Dissatisfaction with government and support for protests increased during Sargsyan’s rule - OC Media PUBLIC OPINION IN GEORGIA: NEW CAUCASUS BAROMETER RESULTS - Caucasus Analytical Digest, No.102 Analysis | Women are significantly less likely to go out to eat in Georgia - OC Media Analysis | Polarisation in Georgia’s media landscape - OC Media Analysis | As many Georgians think the West spreads propaganda as Russia - OC Media An oasis of democracy in an authoritarian sea? Civil society, social, and institutional trust in Georgia - Communist and Post-Communist Studies, Elsevier Authoritarian Stability in the South Caucasus: Voting preferences, autocratic responses and regime stability in Armenia and Georgia - Edited by Matteo Fumagalli and Koba Turmanidze, Routlege 2018